YouTube is undoubtedly the biggest online video website in the world. This tutorial focus on technique by which you can download the video to your desktop easily and off course free.
When you click to play a video or a Gif in Facebook, YouTube or any other website using Chrome browser on computers having new AMD graphics card. You will notice when video starts playing the player become either partially black...
db_autopwn was deprecated from Metasploit framework. In this tutorial we will get db_autopwn back to life. We need a Linux box with Metasploit installed. We are using Parrot Security OS with Metasploit 4.13.
TypeScript is a super set of JavaScript. Any piece of JavaScript is also a valid code in TypeScript. TypeScript is all about making JavaScript scale. It is about making easier to build medium to large applications in JavaScript.
New release of AngularJS i.e. Angular 2 bring exiting features that open a new dimension of web development. Angular 2 supports a wide range of language to work with that includes TypeScript, ECMAScript, 2015 Dart and ES5. Inclusion of ES5 mean that it can support traditional JavaScript.