You might have noticed different version of angular, We have Angular 6, 5, 4, 2, 1. So question arises What's up with all of these versions? The answer is Angular 2 is complete rewrite of Angular 1, which was the first Angular framework released and that was released quite a couple of years ago.
Angular is a framework which allows you to create reactive, single page applications. A Single Page Application (SPA) is an application like the one shown below, a simple github profile searching application. You can search different profiles based on username but the URL remains remain constant.
Windows 10 upgrade may cause interference with your VMware virtual machine. The virtual machine power up and after it display login screen it suddenly throws VMware Workstation Unrecoverable Error: (svga).
Webpage loading time is an important factor for website ranking a delay in the loading time can give your competitors a head start and you may loose visitor and search engine visibility. Search engine pay huge attention to site speed.
JavaScript Snippet to redirect the user to another web page. There are two mechanism for redirecting a user.