notify.js is a small jQuery plugin that simplifies notification process. Despite its small size it is fully customizable notification library. Usage it very simple, there no need to install it or host on your own server, use a Fast and reliable CDN for this. Since it is a jQuery Library, jQuery is mandatory.
There can be six position where the notification can be displayed. if the element is not defined then the default element will be the document itself. Below buttons shows how notification can be displayed.
One can also tweak the following settings to suite its need.
// whether to hide the notification on click
clickToHide: true,
// whether to auto-hide the notification
autoHide: true,
// if autoHide, hide after milliseconds
autoHideDelay: 5000,
// show the arrow pointing at the element
arrowShow: true,
// arrow size in pixels
arrowSize: 5,
// position defines the notification position though uses the defaults below
position: '...',
// default positions
elementPosition: 'bottom left',
globalPosition: 'top right',
// default style
style: 'bootstrap',
// default class (string or [string])
className: 'error',
// show animation
showAnimation: 'slideDown',
// show animation duration
showDuration: 400,
// hide animation
hideAnimation: 'slideUp',
// hide animation duration
hideDuration: 200,
// padding between element and notification
gap: 2