
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Biohazard Sign&#9763;\2623 &#x2623;U+02623
Caduceus&#9764;\2624 &#x2624;U+02624
Ankh&#9765;\2625 &#x2625;U+02625
Orthodox Cross&#9766;\2626 &#x2626;U+02626
Chi Rho&#9767;\2627 &#x2627;U+02627
Cross of Lorraine&#9768;\2628 &#x2628;U+02628
Cross of Jerusalem&#9769;\2629 &#x2629;U+02629
Star and Crescent&#9770;\262A &#x262A;U+0262A
Farsi Symbol&#9771;\262B &#x262B;U+0262B
Adi Shakti&#9772;\262C &#x262C;U+0262C
Hammer and Sickle&#9773;\262D &#x262D;U+0262D
Peace Symbol&#9774;\262E &#x262E;U+0262E
Yin Yang&#9775;\262F &#x262F;U+0262F
Trigram for Heaven&#9776;\2630 &#x2630;U+02630
Trigram for Lake&#9777;\2631 &#x2631;U+02631
Trigram for Fire&#9778;\2632 &#x2632;U+02632
Trigram for Thunder&#9779;\2633 &#x2633;U+02633
Trigram for Wind&#9780;\2634 &#x2634;U+02634
Trigram for Water&#9781;\2635 &#x2635;U+02635
Trigram for Mountain&#9782;\2636 &#x2636;U+02636
Trigram for Earth&#9783;\2637 &#x2637;U+02637
Wheel of Dharma&#9784;\2638 &#x2638;U+02638
White Frowning Face&#9785;\2639 &#x2639;U+02639
White Smiling Face&#9786;\263A &#x263A;U+0263A
Black Smiling Face&#9787;\263B &#x263B;U+0263B
First Quarter Moon&#9789;\263D &#x263D;U+0263D
Last Quarter Moon&#9790;\263E &#x263E;U+0263E
Black Spade Suit&#9824;\2660&spades;&#x2660;U+02660
White Heart Suit&#9825;\2661 &#x2661;U+02661
White Diamond Suit&#9826;\2662 &#x2662;U+02662
Black Club Suit&#9827;\2663&clubs;&#x2663;U+02663
White Spade Suit&#9828;\2664 &#x2664;U+02664
Black Heart Suit&#9829;\2665&hearts;&#x2665;U+02665
Black Diamond Suit&#9830;\2666&diams;&#x2666;U+02666
White Club Suit&#9831;\2667 &#x2667;U+02667
Hot Springs&#9832;\2668 &#x2668;U+02668
West Syriac Cross&#9840;\2670 &#x2670;U+02670
East Syriac Cross&#9841;\2671 &#x2671;U+02671
Universal Recycling Symbol&#9842;\2672 &#x2672;U+02672
Recycling Symbol for Type-1 Plastics&#9843;\2673 &#x2673;U+02673
Recycling Symbol for Type-2 Plastics&#9844;\2674 &#x2674;U+02674
Recycling Symbol for Type-3 Plastics&#9845;\2675 &#x2675;U+02675
Recycling Symbol for Type-4 Plastics&#9846;\2676 &#x2676;U+02676
Recycling Symbol for Type-5 Plastics&#9847;\2677 &#x2677;U+02677
Recycling Symbol for Type-6 Plastics&#9848;\2678 &#x2678;U+02678
Recycling Symbol for Type-7 Plastics&#9849;\2679 &#x2679;U+02679
Recycling Symbol for Generic Materials&#9850;\267A &#x267A;U+0267A
Black Universal Recycling Symbol&#9851;\267B &#x267B;U+0267B
Recycled Paper Symbol&#9852;\267C &#x267C;U+0267C
Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol&#9853;\267D &#x267D;U+0267D