
Lock Bitlocker Drive Without Restarting Windows 10

Posted Under: Configuration, Security, Tutorials, Windows on Jan 3, 2017
Lock Bitlocker Drive Without Restarting Windows 10
Microsoft provide BitLocker technology that keeps the drive encrypted and locked. But there is problem with it once you un-lock it, there is no simple mechanism to lock it back again without a shutdown or restart.

There many tutorial and forum discussions that explain different ways to achieve it. They include making a batch file or running a some commands for each drive.

We have developed an executable that you need to run just once. It will add a "Lock Drive..." in the context menu of BitLocker locked drive. Lock Bitlocker drive download drive locker

You can un-install it simple by executing the following command on shell as administrator.
reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\lock-bde
Its is tested and know to be working in Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

Alternate Method

If you are too paranoid about the security and do not want to execute the given executable you can simply create a vbs file with name lock-bde.vbs in %SYSTEMROOT%System32 and in it, paste the following code.
' Created by: Shawn Brink
' http://www.eightforums.com
' Tutorial: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/21325-lock-drive-add-context-menu-bitlocker-drives.html

Drive = ""
Last = Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
For n = 0 To Last
 Drive = Drive & " " & Wscript.Arguments.Item(n)
Drive = Replace(Drive,":\",":")
CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute "manage-bde.exe", "-lock -forcedismount " & Drive, "", "runas", 0
now add a registry key so that it appears in the context menu, paste the following lines in a file locker.reg and executes it as an administrator.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Created by: Shawn Brink
; http://www.eightforums.com
; Tutorial: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/21325-lock-drive-add-context-menu-bitlocker-drives.html

"AppliesTo"="System.Volume.BitLockerProtection:=1 OR System.Volume.BitLockerProtection:=3 OR System.Volume.BitLockerProtection:=5 NOT C:"
@="Lock Drive..."

We just put the above two file into an executable wrapper using Advanced BAT to EXE Converter by www.battoexeconverter.com.
