Cerber Ransomware encrypt Windows and Linux machines by exploiting Atlassian Confluence (CVE-2021-26084) and GitLab (CVE-2021-22205) servers remote code execution vulnerabilities.
Hacker skim sensitive information from e-commerce website by deploying malware dubbed as linux_avp which is written in golang. Analysis of linux_avp suggests that it serves as backdoor, waiting for commands from a Alibaba hosted server
Polaris ransomware encrypts user data and ask user to contact them on Discord channel for ransom negotiations. It actively targeting Linux servers.
MySQL Table can crash for a variety of reasons, such as an abnormal shutdown or a power failure. This can also occur if the operating system run low on disk.
HelloKitty ransomware which became headlines for mounting attack on video game developer CD Projekt Red. It is primarily known for targeting Windows systems, but it is now targeting VMware ESXi servers.