These days most websites uses Cloudflare for there protecting against DOS or DDOS attacks. Cloudflare is free and easy to setup. Cloudflare conceals the IP address of the website in order to protect it from attack.
7zip is a free file archiving and file compression / decompression utility. 7zip is a free open source better alternative to both WinRAR and WinZip. It currently support over 45 formats.
If your PC is running low on space and its performance is gradually decreasing then it is time to run a disk cleaner. A good option was CCleaner but it is a paid product now. CCleaner best alternative is BleachBit.
/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory is a error thrown by Linux and Mac OSX operating systems when a Shell script is executed which was created in Windows environment.
OpenSSL's SSL Death Alert is a denial of service (DoS) attack. This happens because of the way how OpenSSL handles ALERT packets during an SSL/TLS handshake.