SB Admin 2 is a free responsive premium Bootstrap based Admin Panel Template. It features a dashboard template, a web-app UI starter. SB Admin 2 is an enhancement over its old SB Admin Template theme.
File upload is trivial to any web application. Prior to Java Servlet specification 3.0 upload to server required Apache Commons. Now its just a matter of writing a just any other file.
Enhance your user's reading experience on your website by highlighting only the portion of text user selected. Fokus is a simple script that do this simple job in less than 3KB of code.
Download Free HTML & CSS simple and clean login form template. This template is self contained. It contains no images and javascript and be used or modified as desired.
Twain lightweight fully responsive Sign In and Sign Up form template is ideal if you want to give both option simultaneously to the visitors. It is free to use but a back link to required.