
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Black Sun With Rays&#9728;\2600 &#x2600;U+02600
Cloud&#9729;\2601 &#x2601;U+02601
Rain&#9730;\2602 &#x2602;U+02602
Snow&#9731;\2603 &#x2603;U+02603
Comet&#9732;\2604 &#x2604;U+02604
Black Star&#9733;\2605&starf;&#x2605;U+02605
White Star&#9734;\2606&star;&#x2606;U+02606
Lightning&#9735;\2607 &#x2607;U+02607
Thunderstorm&#9736;\2608 &#x2608;U+02608
Sun&#9737;\2609 &#x2609;U+02609
White Sun With Rays&#9788;\263C &#x263C;U+0263C
Umbrella with rain drops&#9748;\2614 &#x2614U+2614
Sun behind cloud&#9925;\26C5 &#x26C5U+26C5
Rain&#9926;\26C6 &#x26C6U+26C6
Black snowman&#9927;\26C7 &#x26C7U+26C7
Thunder cloud and rain&#9928;\26C8 &#x26C8U+26C8