
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Lowercase C With Hookƈ&#392;\0188 &#x0188;U+00188
Uppercase African DƉ&#393;\0189 &#x0189;U+00189
Uppercase D With HookƊ&#394;\018A &#x018A;U+0018A
Uppercase D With TopbarƋ&#395;\018B &#x018B;U+0018B
Lowercase D With Topbarƌ&#396;\018C &#x018C;U+0018C
Lowercase Turned Deltaƍ&#397;\018D &#x018D;U+0018D
Uppercase Reversed EƎ&#398;\018E &#x018E;U+0018E
Uppercase SchwaƏ&#399;\018F &#x018F;U+0018F
Uppercase Open EƐ&#400;\0190 &#x0190;U+00190
Uppercase F With HookƑ&#401;\0191 &#x0191;U+00191
Uppercase G With HookƓ&#403;\0193 &#x0193;U+00193
Uppercase GammaƔ&#404;\0194 &#x0194;U+00194
Lowercase Hvƕ&#405;\0195 &#x0195;U+00195
Uppercase IotaƖ&#406;\0196 &#x0196;U+00196
Uppercase I With StrokeƗ&#407;\0197 &#x0197;U+00197
Uppercase K With HookƘ&#408;\0198 &#x0198;U+00198
Lowercase K With Hookƙ&#409;\0199 &#x0199;U+00199
Lowercase L With Barƚ&#410;\019A &#x019A;U+0019A
Lowercase Lambda With Strokeƛ&#411;\019B &#x019B;U+0019B
Uppercase Turned MƜ&#412;\019C &#x019C;U+0019C
Uppercase N With Left HookƝ&#413;\019D &#x019D;U+0019D
Lowercase N With Long Right Legƞ&#414;\019E &#x019E;U+0019E
Uppercase O With Middle TildeƟ&#415;\019F &#x019F;U+0019F
Uppercase O With HornƠ&#416;\01A0 &#x01A0;U+001A0
Lowercase O With Hornơ&#417;\01A1 &#x01A1;U+001A1
Uppercase OiƢ&#418;\01A2 &#x01A2;U+001A2
Lowercase Oiƣ&#419;\01A3 &#x01A3;U+001A3
Uppercase P With HookƤ&#420;\01A4 &#x01A4;U+001A4
Lowercase P With Hookƥ&#421;\01A5 &#x01A5;U+001A5
Latin Letter YrƦ&#422;\01A6 &#x01A6;U+001A6
Uppercase Tone TwoƧ&#423;\01A7 &#x01A7;U+001A7
Lowercase Tone Twoƨ&#424;\01A8 &#x01A8;U+001A8
Uppercase EshƩ&#425;\01A9 &#x01A9;U+001A9
Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loopƪ&#426;\01AA &#x01AA;U+001AA
Lowercase T With Palatal Hookƫ&#427;\01AB &#x01AB;U+001AB
Uppercase T With HookƬ&#428;\01AC &#x01AC;U+001AC
Lowercase T With Hookƭ&#429;\01AD &#x01AD;U+001AD
Uppercase T With Retroflex HookƮ&#430;\01AE &#x01AE;U+001AE
Uppercase U With HornƯ&#431;\01AF &#x01AF;U+001AF
Lowercase U With Hornư&#432;\01B0 &#x01B0;U+001B0
Uppercase UpsilonƱ&#433;\01B1 &#x01B1;U+001B1
Uppercase v With HookƲ&#434;\01B2 &#x01B2;U+001B2
Uppercase Y With HookƳ&#435;\01B3 &#x01B3;U+001B3
Lowercase Y With Hookƴ&#436;\01B4 &#x01B4;U+001B4
Uppercase Z With StrokeƵ&#437;\01B5 &#x01B5;U+001B5
Lowercase Z With Strokeƶ&#438;\01B6 &#x01B6;U+001B6
Uppercase EzhƷ&#439;\01B7 &#x01B7;U+001B7
Uppercase Ezh ReversedƸ&#440;\01B8 &#x01B8;U+001B8
Lowercase Ezh Reversedƹ&#441;\01B9 &#x01B9;U+001B9
Lowercase Ezh With Tailƺ&#442;\01BA &#x01BA;U+001BA