
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Uppercase AA&#65;\0041 &#x41;U+00041
Uppercase BB&#66;\0042 &#x42;U+00042
Uppercase CC&#67;\0043 &#x43;U+00043
Uppercase DD&#68;\0044 &#x44;U+00044
Uppercase EE&#69;\0045 &#x45;U+00045
Uppercase FF&#70;\0046 &#x46;U+00046
Uppercase GG&#71;\0047 &#x47;U+00047
Uppercase HH&#72;\0048 &#x48;U+00048
Uppercase II&#73;\0049 &#x49;U+00049
Uppercase JJ&#74;\004A &#x4a;U+0004A
Uppercase KK&#75;\004B &#x4b;U+0004B
Uppercase LL&#76;\004C &#x4c;U+0004C
Uppercase MM&#77;\004D &#x4d;U+0004D
Uppercase NN&#78;\004E &#x4e;U+0004E
Uppercase OO&#79;\004F &#x4f;U+0004F
Uppercase PP&#80;\0050 &#x50;U+00050
Uppercase QQ&#81;\0051 &#x51;U+00051
Uppercase RR&#82;\0052 &#x52;U+00052
Uppercase SS&#83;\0053 &#x53;U+00053
Uppercase TT&#84;\0054 &#x54;U+00054
Uppercase UU&#85;\0055 &#x55;U+00055
Uppercase VV&#86;\0056 &#x56;U+00056
Uppercase WW&#87;\0057 &#x57;U+00057
Uppercase XX&#88;\0058 &#x58;U+00058
Uppercase YY&#89;\0059 &#x59;U+00059
Uppercase ZZ&#90;\005A &#x5a;U+0005A
Lowercase aa&#97;\0061 &#x61;U+00061
Lowercase bb&#98;\0062 &#x62;U+00062
Lowercase cc&#99;\0063 &#x63;U+00063
Lowercase dd&#100;\0064 &#x64;U+00064
Lowercase ee&#101;\0065 &#x65;U+00065
Lowercase ff&#102;\0066 &#x66;U+00066
Lowercase gg&#103;\0067 &#x67;U+00067
Lowercase hh&#104;\0068 &#x68;U+00068
Lowercase ii&#105;\0069 &#x69;U+00069
Lowercase jj&#106;\006A &#x6a;U+0006A
Lowercase kk&#107;\006B &#x6b;U+0006B
Lowercase ll&#108;\006C &#x6c;U+0006C
Lowercase mm&#109;\006D &#x6d;U+0006D
Lowercase nn&#110;\006E &#x6e;U+0006E
Lowercase oo&#111;\006F &#x6f;U+0006F
Lowercase pp&#112;\0070 &#x70;U+00070
Lowercase qq&#113;\0071 &#x71;U+00071
Lowercase rr&#114;\0072 &#x72;U+00072
Lowercase ss&#115;\0073 &#x73;U+00073
Lowercase tt&#116;\0074 &#x74;U+00074
Lowercase uu&#117;\0075 &#x75;U+00075
Lowercase vv&#118;\0076 &#x76;U+00076
Lowercase ww&#119;\0077 &#x77;U+00077
Lowercase xx&#120;\0078 &#x78;U+00078