
HTML Symbols, Entities, Characters & Codes

A complete list of HTML Codes, entities, symbols, ASCII characters, Unicode hexadecimal values and URL Encoded Strings for your web projects and more. Search by typing in search box. Click on the link for detail description and usage examples.
Name Symbol HTML Code CSS Code HTML Entity Hex Code Unicode
Box drawings down single and horizontal double&#9572;\2564 &#x2564U+2564
Box drawings down double and horizontal single&#9573;\2565 &#x2565U+2565
Box drawings double down and horizontal&#9574;\2566 &#x2566U+2566
Box drawings up single and horizontal double&#9575;\2567 &#x2567U+2567
Box drawings up double and horizontal single&#9576;\2568 &#x2568U+2568
Box drawings double up and horizontal&#9577;\2569 &#x2569U+2569
Box drawings vertical single and horizontal double&#9578;\256A &#x256AU+256A
Box drawings vertical double and horizontal single&#9579;\256B &#x256BU+256B
Box drawings double vertical and horizontal&#9580;\256C &#x256CU+256C
Box drawings light arc down and right&#9581;\256D &#x256DU+256D
Box drawings light arc down and left&#9582;\256E &#x256EU+256E
Box drawings light arc up and left&#9583;\256F &#x256FU+256F
Box drawings light arc up and right&#9584;\2570 &#x2570U+2570
Box drawings light diagonal upper right to lower left&#9585;\2571 &#x2571U+2571
Box drawings light diagonal upper left to lower right&#9586;\2572 &#x2572U+2572
Box drawings light diagonal cross&#9587;\2573 &#x2573U+2573
Box drawings light left&#9588;\2574 &#x2574U+2574
Box drawings light up&#9589;\2575 &#x2575U+2575
Box drawings light right&#9590;\2576 &#x2576U+2576
Box drawings light down&#9591;\2577 &#x2577U+2577
Box drawings heavy left&#9592;\2578 &#x2578U+2578
Box drawings heavy up&#9593;\2579 &#x2579U+2579
Box drawings heavy right&#9594;\257A &#x257AU+257A
Box drawings heavy down&#9595;\257B &#x257BU+257B
Box drawings light left and heavy right&#9596;\257C &#x257CU+257C
Box drawings light up and heavy down&#9597;\257D &#x257DU+257D
Box drawings heavy left and light right&#9598;\257E &#x257EU+257E
Box drawings heavy up and light down&#9599;\257F &#x257FU+257F