Google fonts is the leading open-source fonts repository hosted on Google CDN. Google CDN currently hosted 1029+ Font Families available to anyone.
Webpage loading time is an important factor for website ranking a delay in the loading time can give your competitors a head start and you may loose visitor and search engine visibility. Search engine pay huge attention to site speed.
Google Chrome is fast responsive browser but as time went on it began to start consuming more and more RAM, more CPU and Disk and make PC or laptop slow.
Taking screen shot is a great way to capture information and make it portable. Usual way of saving a webpage by pressing CTRL + S, create a folder and an html file that need to place together in order to work.
Google Factory Reset Protection is a security procedure that hinder anyone form cleaning all data on the Phone. This is viable solution in case of theft or in some cases pranks. But what if someone intentionally sell their cell phone and wants to completely remove its private data.