For a successful business or a cause the website name matters the most. But it so happen the name you have in your mind is already taken or parked by someone else. So you end up changing the name of the website or playing smart by using some suffixes or prefixes. But this is a difficult and cumbersome process as you have to manually think a suffix/prefix and then check either it is available or not, you definitely need to automate it.
Apart from other online available services this article demonstrate a tool name catpish, which is a security testing tool and aimed to generate "visually similar" domain name intended for phishing attacks. But it can also be used to generate domain name suggestions and check for there availability efficiently.
Using catpish is simple you need to download and install if you do not have it already. Next clone the
catpish project. Before you can run it you need to install the following gems.
gen install simpleidn
gem install whois
gem install whois-parser
once install run the following command to view the options available.
ruby catphish.rb
this result in
ruby catphish.rb -d -t country
Here -d switch is your desired domain and switch -t country will search your desired domain name in TLDs of different countries.

You can also use -m Punycode switch to see "visually similar" domain names, but here we do not want it to use in this role :)