Spectre is a vulnerability that affects modern microprocessors that perform branch prediction. On most processors, the speculative execution resulting from a branch mis-prediction may leave observable side effects that may reveal private data to attackers.
Spectre is a hardware design flaw in the architectures of Intel, AMD, and ARM processors that allows code running inside a malicious application to break the isolation between different applications at the CPU level and then steal sensitive data from other apps running on the same system.
Information security company Trend Micro said it had found a new family of malware, nicknamed by researchers as BlackSquid. It infects web servers, network drives and removable drives by installing mining software through many different exploits.
CVE-2018-15982 is assigned to an arbitrary code execution. Yet another Adobe Flash 0day exploit. The malicious hackers are using infected documents, particularly Microsoft Word ones. They are packed inside a RAR archive along with a JPG photo. As soon as the archives are opened upon launching of the Microsoft Word document the built-in Flash scripts will extract a malware payload from the photo.
CHAINSHOT Malware use multiple steps to exploit a a Adobe Flash 0-day vulnerability CVE-2018-5002. Malware is multi stager and downloads additional DLLs to create Backdoor in the victim machine.