Hello ransomware encrypts user data and asks its victims to contact them for ransom negotiation. Hackers also threatens to increase ransom amount if the victims delays for more than 96 hours.
Hacker skim sensitive information from e-commerce website by deploying malware dubbed as linux_avp which is written in golang. Analysis of linux_avp suggests that it serves as backdoor, waiting for commands from a Alibaba hosted server
Memento Ransomware is a python based "utility" that use legitimate WinRAR to do its bidding. It copies its victims files in an Password protected archive and delete the original file.
Emotet is resurrected after its demise by law enforcement agencies. Emotet is a Pay Per Install (PPI) botnet. It is gaining its pace with the help for Trickbot botnet.
TangleBot is an information-gathering tool that spreads using COVID-19 lures. Currently, it is only targeting victims in US and Canada only.