IsaacWiper is the third Wiper Malware detected that are attacking victims in Ukraine. IsaacWiper enumerate all disks connected to the host and overwrite first 10K bytes with ISAAC pseudo random generator.
HermeticRansom or PartyTicket Ransomware is a Go based ransomware is actively attacking Ukrainian targets with other Wipers.
HermeticWiper is data and MBR Wiper that is being targeting Ukraine and is allegedly link to Russia. It intentionally cleans data on a device make it unrecoverable. It also deletes the MBR of the machine so that the operating system wont boot again.
BVP47 is a NSA backed Tailored Access oprations (TAO) backdoor. It is detected by Chinese firm back in 2013 which it disclosed now.
Xenomorph is an Android Banking Trojan that is actively distributed through Google Play Store. To date it has infected more than 50,000 Android devices.