Every network device has a unique code assign to it know as Media Access Control Address which is commonly know as MAC Address. There are different ways to find it we will discuss only two method here...
Microsoft provide BitLocker technology that keeps the drive encrypted and locked. But there is problem with it once you un-lock it, there is no simple mechanism to...
We will be making ISO from a DVD or a CD in Windows 10 using free, open source and clutter free tool. Today most of the Desktop and Laptops are shipped without a CD/DVD readers and writers.
When you click to play a video or a Gif in Facebook, YouTube or any other website using Chrome browser on computers having new AMD graphics card. You will notice when video starts playing the player become either partially black...
db_autopwn was deprecated from Metasploit framework. In this tutorial we will get db_autopwn back to life. We need a Linux box with Metasploit installed. We are using Parrot Security OS with Metasploit 4.13.