
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
riotuxSimple Event Controller for Riot.js, inspired in ...2.1.1
sails.io.jsJavascript SDK for communicating w/ a Sails serve...1.2.1
textile-jsA full-featured JavaScript Textile parser2.1.1
angular-bootstrap-sliderAn angular directive for seiyria-bootstrap-slider0.1.28
fslightboxModern and easy plugin for displaying images and ...3.4.2
jscolorjscolor is a web color picker component that aims...2.5.2
optimal-selectGet efficient & robust CSS selectors for HTML ele...4.0.1
svg.filter.jsA plugin for svg.js adding filter functionality2.0.2
ReStablejQuery plugin that make tables responsive0.1.2
moment-business-daysMomentJS plugin to use business days1.2.0
usertimingW3C UserTiming polyfill0.1.7
jquery.serialScrollAnimated scrolling of series with jQuery1.3.2
require-domReadyAn AMD loader plugin for detecting DOM ready2.0.1
typeahead-addresspickerA quick full rewrite of jquery address picker plu...0.1.4
angular-material-calendarA calendar directive for AngularJS and Angular Ma...0.2.14
angularjs-ie8-buildA build of AngularJS 1.3 with polyfils and some c...1.3.20
dependent-dropdownA multi level dependent dropdown JQuery plugin th...1.4.9
DragDropA JavaScript micro-framework for adding drag-and-...0.3.0
handjsHand.js is a polyfill for pointer events.1.3.11
jquery-smooveA simple jQuery plugin for sexy scrolling effects...0.2.11
mnistThe goal of this library is to provide an easy-to...1.1.0
react-tinymceReact TinyMCE component0.7.0
angular-img-cropperClient side image cropper directive for AngularJS...1.1.0
angular-soundmanager2SoundManager2 Music Player for AngularJs0.5.6
jQuery.BgSwitcherSwitch the background image with using effect.0.4.3
leaflet-geocoder-mapzenLeaflet plugin to search (geocode) using Mapzen S...1.9.4
PgwSliderResponsive and lightweight Slider plugin for jQue...2.3.0
es7-shimECMAScript 7 compatibility shims for legacy JavaS...6.0.0
otpauthOne Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js...9.3.4
taquitoHigh level functionality that builds upon the oth...20.0.1
videojs-vimeoAllows you to use Vimeo URL as source with Video....2.0.2
angularjs-color-pickerColor Picker Directive For AngularJS3.4.8
bitset.jsA performance optimized infinite bit vector libra...5.1.0
django.jsDjango.js provides tools for JavaScript developme...0.8.1
backbone.collectionViewEasily render backbone.js collections with suppor...3.0.0
css3finalizeAutomatically add vendor prefixes4.1.0
esri-leaflet-geocoderEsri Geocoding utility and search plugin for Leaf...3.1.5
eventsource-polyfillA browser polyfill for W3C EventSource (http://ww...0.9.6
react-disqus-threadReact Disqus thread component0.4.0
node-snackbarNotifications inspired by Google Material Design0.1.16
RadianRadian is a JavaScript library for producing inte...0.1.3
restylea JS to CSS transformer0.7.0
countly-sdk-webCountly Web SDK24.4.1
jquery-xpathjQuery plugin for querying XML and HTML documents...0.3.1
d3-transitionAnimated transitions for D3 selections.3.0.0
Iframe-Height-Jquery-PluginThis plugin can get contents of iframe and set he...1.2.5
jquery-awesome-cursorjQuery plugin for using FontAwesome icons as cust...0.3.1
jquery.ui-contextmenuTurn a jQuery UI Menu widget into a contextmenu.1.18.1
bootstrap3-contact-formA simple bootstrap 3 contact form using Google's ...1.4.1
hamsterjsA standalone javascript library for cross-browser...1.1.3