
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
jquery.dirtyforms.helpers.tinymceDirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent us...2.0.0
leaflet.fullscreenSimple plugin for Leaflet that adds fullscreen bu...3.0.2
picomodalA small, self-contained JavaScript modal library3.0.0
yairEO-validatorThe Validator is cross-browser and will give you ...3.4.0
ng-fittextAn AngularJS directive for inflating web type4.2.3
portalPortal client for Node.js1.1.1
angular-file-saverAn AngularJS service that implements the HTML5 W3...1.1.3
babelfishi18n with human friendly syntax2.0.0
country-region-selectorA simple, configurable JS library that add a coun...1.0.0
ng-quillAngular directive for rich text editor Quill4.5.3
javascript-hookerMonkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging and s...0.2.3
angular-cached-resourceAn AngularJS module to interact with RESTful reso...1.4.2
vue-bootstrap-datetimepickerVue.js component for bootstrap-datetimepicker5.0.1
bootstrap-checkboxA checkbox component based on Bootstrap framework2.0.0
geojsonTurn your geo data into GeoJSON0.5.0
jquery-sidebarA stupid simple sidebar jQuery plugin.3.3.2
backbone-superA convenient super method for the popular JavaScr...1.0.4
jQuery-flexImagesA lightweight jQuery plugin for creating fluid ga...1.0.1
lazyytA jQuery plugin to lazy load those darn slow Yout...0.3.4
LoadGoLoadGo is a JQuery plugin for using your logo as ...2.2.1
rantjsA procedural text generator for JavaScript1.0.6
jqPlotjqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the ...1.0.9
leaflet-vector-layersAllows to easily create vector layers from a numb...1.6.0
peppermintResponsive touch-enabled slider. Tiny, supports m...1.4.0
tmlib.jsjavascript library for game programming.0.5.2
angular-autofieldsAutomatically generate fields from a schema objec...2.2.8
floating.jsFloat a number of things up on a page (hearts, fl...2.7.3
touchjsclouda event and gesture lib touch.js0.2.14
awesome-notificationsLightweight library for beautifull and smooth not...3.1.3
iGrowlA lightweight jQuery plugin that generates growl-...3.0.3
rxjs-jqueryLibrary for composing asynchronous and event-base...1.1.6
eddyEvent Driven JS0.7.0
visibly.jsA cross-browser Page Visibility API shim0.1.1
html-midi-playerMIDI file player and visualizer web components1.5.0
c3-angularAn angularjs directive to integrate c3.js within ...1.4.0
weatherThere really should be a conclusive JavaScript we...0.0.3
aurora.js-alacAn Apple Lossless decoder for Aurora.js0.1.0
magnifyA lightweight jQuery magnifying glass zoom plugin.2.3.3
PikaChoosePikaChoose is jQuery gallery plugin to make slide...4.5.0
ProminA jQuery plugin to boost your HTML forms to level...1.0.0
angular-chartist.jsAngular directive for Chartist.js4.3.4
constraintjsConstraint library for JavaScript0.9.7
quantumuiThe most powerful ANGULARJS and Bootstrap CSS bas...1.2.0
slick-lightboxA lightbox wrapper for Ken's amazing slick carous...0.2.12
video.js-chromecastChromecast plugin for videojs2.0.9
attrchangeattrchange is a simple jQuery crossbrowser plugin...2.0.1
CSS-MintLightweight and simple to use UI Kit2.0.7
jquery-validation-unobtrusiveAdd-on to jQuery Validation to enable unobtrusive...4.0.0
marker-animate-unobtrusiveUnobtrusive Google Maps animated marker0.2.9
leaflet-groupedlayercontrolA Leaflet layer control with support for grouping...0.6.1