
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
encoding-japaneseConverts character encoding.2.2.0
ui-leafletui-leaflet - An AngularJS directive to easily int...1.0.3
jquery-easy-loadingEasily add and manipulate loading states of any e...1.3.0
jquery.mosaicflowPinterest like responsive image or HTML grid for ...0.2.5
bootstrap-ui-datetime-pickerAngularJs directive to use a date and/or time pic...2.6.4
cloudinary-jqueryCloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary str...2.13.1
d3-zoomPan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or t...2.0.0
ajaAsynchronous JavaScript And JavaScript/JSON(P) : ...0.4.1
jquery-autocompleteAn extremely lightweight completion suggester plu...1.0.7
jQuery.GanttjQuery Gantt Chart is a simple chart that impleme...1.1.0
leaflet.AnimatedMarkerThis is a Leaflet plugin for animating a marker a...1.0.0
spoqa-han-sansSpoqa Han Sans3.2.1
tom-selectTom Select is a versatile and dynamic 2.3.1
gridifierAsync responsive HTML grids2.0.3
MinPubSub198 byte publish/subscribe messaging micro-framew...0.0.2
colresizablejQuery plugin to resize table columns1.6.0
jquery-storage-apijQuery Storage API is a plugin that simplify acce...1.9.4
jquery-advanced-news-tickerA powerful, flexible and animated vertical news t...1.0.1
jquery.html5loaderjQuery.html5Loader can preload images, htm...1.8.0
emoji-awesomeCross platform, easy to use, no-javascript soluti...0.0.2
OrgChart.jsorganization chart plugin based on ES60.0.1
superdomBetter and simpler DOM manipulation1.3.0
expressive-annotations-validateClient-side component of ExpressiveAnnotations2.7.0
embedly-jqueryThis library allows you to easily embed objects o...3.1.2
excel-builderAn easy way of building Excel files with javascri...2.0.3
infamousA famo.us UI library.21.2.0
jsfaceSmall, fast, elegant, powerful, and cross platfor...2.4.9
rimgRimg supports responsive websites to provide a wa...2.1.0
angular-bootstrap-switchAngularJS directive for the bootstrap-switch jQue...0.5.2
fallbackJavaScript library for dynamically loading CSS an...1.1.9
hincludeDeclarative client-side inclusion for the Web0.9.5
planoutPlanOut is a framework and programming language f...5.3.0
z-schemaJSON schema validator6.0.2
moviedbLibrary for interacting with themoviedb.com API0.2.12
mistic100-Bootstrap-ConfirmationBootstrap plugin for on-place confirm boxes using...4.2.0
x18nA JavaScript internationalisation library2.0.3
gorillascriptGorillaScript is a compile-to-JavaScript language...0.9.10
angular-highlightjsAngularJS directive for syntax highlighting with ...0.7.1
d3-colorColor spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, Lab and HCL (L...1.2.1
leaflet-ajaxAJAX and JSONP in Leaflet2.1.0
bootstrap-confirmation2Bootstrap plugin for on-place confirm boxes using...4.2.1
jquery.instagramFeedInstagram Feed without access token. Not using th...3.0.4
network-jsMake accurate network measures in JavaScript2.1.0
timecirclesTimeCircles is a jQuery plugin that provides a ni...1.5.3
twitterlib.jsLibrary for doing all things Twitter API related,...1.0.9
angular-signalr-hubA handy wrapper for SignalR Hubs. Just specify th...1.6.3
blenduiA Hybrid Javascript Framework For Mobile WebApp0.0.4
CaptionatorSimple closed-captioning polyfill for HTML5. Just...0.6
github-repo-widgetGitHub jQuery Repo Widget will build you a beauti...e23d85ab8f
ie8some damn DOM fix for this damned browser0.8.1