
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
angular-summernoteAngularJS directive to Summernote0.8.1
d3-arrayArray manipulation, ordering, searching, summariz...1.2.2
videojs-contrib-adsA framework that provides common functionality ne...7.5.2
jquery-countdownCountdown for jQuery.2.1.0
livingston-css3-mediaqueries-jsWrite your media queries like you would for brows...1.0.0
viewer.jsA viewer for documents converted with the Box Vie...0.11.1
zoomoveEnlarges the image with the mouse hover and move1.3.0
chartjs-plugin-streamingChart.js plugin for live streaming data2.0.0
jquery-lang-jsi18n Automatically deploy and switch multi-langua...3.0.0
pagedownPageDown is the JavaScript Markdown previewer use...1.0
bootstrap-iconpickerA simple iconpicker for Bootstrap 3.x1.10.0
geojsJavaScript Geo visualization and Analysis Library1.12.3
jquery-impromptuAn extension to help provide a more pleasant way ...6.2.3
require-csAn AMD loader plugin for CoffeeScript0.5.0
backbone.routefilterBefore and after filters for Backbone.Router.0.2.0
ng-toastAngular provider for toast notifications2.0.0
spa.jsA webapp framework for routing control and view t...2.0.6
jquery.mobilephonenumberA general purpose library for validating and form...1.0.7
monioAsync-capable IO monad for JS0.53.0
rateYoA simple and flexible star rating plugin2.3.4
color-schemeGenerate pleasant color schemes1.0.1
approvejsA simple JavaScript validation library that doesn...3.1.2
fermataSuccinct native REST client, for client-side web ...0.11.1
jQuery.scrollSpeedExtension for custom scrolling speed and easing1.0.2
videojs-swfThe Flash-fallback video player for video.js (htt...5.4.2
bootstrap-autohidingnavbarAn extension for Bootstrap's fixed navbar which h...4.0.0
jquery-fullscreen-pluginThis jQuery plugin provides a simple to use mecha...1.1.5
angular-dynamic-localeA minimal module that adds the ability to dynamic...0.1.38
es6-promise-poolRuns Promises in a pool that limits their concurr...2.5.0
leaflet-minimapA plugin for Leaflet that provides a minimap in t...3.6.1
angular-truncateAngular Truncate - Ellipsis for your templates0.1.2
bootstrap-rating-inputA Lightweight Bootstrap Rating Input0.4.0
js-quantitiesJavaScript library for quantity calculation and u...1.8.0
lethargyDistinguish between scroll events initiated by th...1.0.9
coverflowA jQuery UI powered coverflow component that take...3.0.2
jQuery.BlackAndWhiteThis plug-in can easily convert any colored image...0.3.8
keymageJavascript keyboard bindings handler with support...1.1.3
d3-dsvA parser and formatter for delimiter-separated va...3.0.0
tipsoA Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin1.0.8
datacombAn interactive tool for exploring large, tabular ...1.2.1
jquery.caroufredseljQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any ki...6.2.1
embedoA simple, fast, lightweight and standalone social...1.14.0
MutationObserver.jsMutationObserver shim for ES3 environments0.3.7
zabuto_calendarjQuery plugin for Bootstrap to add a month calend...1.6.4
1140The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor....2.0
angular-resizableA directive for creating resizable containers in ...1.2.0
nwmatcherA CSS3-compliant JavaScript selector engine.1.4.2
string-formatAdds a `format` method to `String.prototype`. Ins...1.0.0
d3kit-timelineA timeline component based on d3kit and labella.js2.0.1
angular-bootstrap-lightboxAn AngularJS lightbox built using UI Bootstrap Mo...0.12.0