
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
eldarion-ajaxa library for adding declarative ajax functionali...0.16.0
brand-colorsA collection of branding colors of all the major ...2.1.1
shadydomShadow DOM polyfill1.11.0
floatlabels.jsfloatlabels.js follows the famous Float Label Pat...1.0.0
csscoPhotographic filters made with CSS, inpsired by V...1.0.0
tree-modelManipulate and traverse tree-like structures in j...1.0.7
leaflet-routing-machineRouting for Leaflet3.2.12
url-search-paramsSimple polyfill for URLSearchParams standard1.1.0
pymResize an iframe responsively depending on the he...1.3.2
simplePagination.jsA simple jQuery pagination plugin, 3 CSS themes a...1.6
vue-clickawayReusable clickaway directive for reusable Vue.js ...2.2.1
aightun-suck JavaScript APIs in IE8 & 92.1.1
jquery-animateNumberjQuery animate number plugin0.0.14
motioSmall JavaScript library for sprite based animati...2.2.2
mootools-moreMooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented J...1.6.0
TableExportThe simple, easy-to-implement plugin to export HT...5.2.0
jquery.scrollbarCross-browser CSS customizable scrollbar0.2.11
klassClass provider with classical inheritance interfa...1.4.1
clipboard-polyfillA polyfill for the asynchronous clipboard API4.1.0
shopify-buyThe JS Buy SDK is a lightweight library that allo...0.7.1
reseter.cssReset All CSS By Browsers With Reseter.css. And M...2.0.0
imagemapsterjQuery plugin that activates areas in HTML imagem...1.8.0
color-jsA color management API for JavaScript1.0.1
graphdraculaJavaScript Graph Layouting and Drawing1.3.0
victorA JavaScript 2D vector class with methods for com...1.1.0
bigpictureLightweight image and video viewer, supports yout...2.6.2
KrakenA lightweight front-end boilerplate13.0.0
livereload-jsLiveReload JS client - auto reload browser on cha...4.0.2
bootstrap-filestyleBootstrap FileStyle is a quick and simple plugin ...2.1.0
OverlappingMarkerSpiderfierDeals with overlapping markers in Google Maps JS ...1.0.3
d3.chartA framework for creating reusable charts with D3....0.3.0
VoyeurVoyeur is a tiny (1.2kb) Javascript library that ...0.4.0
leaflet-geosearchAdds support for address lookup (a.k.a. geocoding...4.0.0
linkurious.jsA Javascript toolkit to speed up the development ...1.5.1
maquetteMinimalistic Virtual DOM implementation with supp...4.0.2
smart-underlineReadable and beautiful underlines for every websi...4.2.1
origamijsHTML5 Canvas for Humans0.5.1
angular-svg-round-progressbarAngularJS module that uses SVG to create a circul...0.4.8
bootstrap-maxlengthAn visual feedback indicator for the MaxLength at...1.10.0
d3-geoShapes and calculators for spherical coordinates.1.9.1
fdaciuk-ajaxAjax module in Vanilla JS3.0.4
fsvsFull Screen Vertical Scroll1.2.2
remA polyfill to parse CSS links and rewrite pixel e...1.3.4
photoboxA lightweight CSS3 image gallery plugin for jQuer...1.9.2
lieA basic but performant promise implementation3.3.0
jquery-treetablejQuery plugin for displaying a tree structure in ...3.2.0
v-maskSuper tiny input mask library for Vue.js based on...2.2.1
qwestAjax library with XHR2, promises and request limit4.5.0
regressionJavascript least squares data fitting methods2.0.1
tether-tooltipCSS tooltips built on Tether1.2.0