
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
blueimp-JavaScript-Templates1KB lightweight, fast & powerful JavaScript templ...3.20.0
numbers.jsAdvanced Mathematics Library for JavaScript0.7.0
intlPolyfill the ECMA-402 Intl API (except collation)1.2.5
jquery.blockUISimulate synchronous ajax by blocking - not locki...2.70
jquery.textcompleteIntroduce autocompleting power to textareas, like...1.8.5
twig.jsJS port of the Twig templating language.1.17.1
galleriaThe JavaScript Image Gallery.1.6.1
shards-uiA free, modern and lightweight Bootstrap 4 UI too...3.0.0
zoidCross domain components.9.0.87
angular-filemanagerA very smart filemanager to manage your files in ...1.5.1
reframe.jsReframe.js: responsive iframes for embedded conte...4.0.2
virtual-keyboardVirtual Keyboard using jQuery UI1.30.4
jquery-confirmA jQuery plugin that provides great set of featur...3.3.4
jsonlintValidate JSON1.6.0
overlayscrollbarsA javascript scrollbar plugin which hides the nat...2.10.0
countableCountable is a JavaScript library to add live par...3.0.1
jquery-colorjQuery plugin for color manipulation and animatio...2.1.2
jquery-stepsA powerful jQuery wizard plugin that supports acc...1.1.0
jquery.serializeJSONjQuery or Zepto plugin to serialize a form into a...3.2.1
evaporateJavascript library for browser to S3 multipart re...2.1.4
jspdf-autotableGenerate PDF tables with jsPDF3.8.3
please-waitDisplay a nice loading screen while your app loads0.0.5
sharer.jsCreate custom social share DOM elements. No depen...0.5.2
wavedromDigital timing diagram in your browser3.5.0
chocolat Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin1.1.2
react-instantsearch⚡ Lightning-fast search for React and React Nat...6.8.3
ideal-image-sliderQuite simply the ideal Image Slider in vanilla JS.1.5.1
react-swipeBrad Birdsall's Swipe.js, as a React component6.0.4
startbootstrap-clean-blogA clean Bootstrap blog theme created by Start Boo...5.0.10
jstatStatistical Library for JavaScript1.9.6
t3jsT3 Javascript Framework2.7.0
js-dataRobust, framework-agnostic in-memory data store.3.0.11
vue-clipboard2A Vuejs2 binding for clipboard.js0.3.3
holmes.jsFast and easy searching inside a page.1.17.3
autonumericautoNumeric is a standalone Javascript library th...4.10.5
idb-keyvalA super-simple-small keyval store built on top of...6.2.1
amazeui-reactAmaze UI components build with React.1.2.3
distpickerA simple jQuery plugin for picking provinces, cit...2.0.8
leaflet-providersAn extension to Leaflet that contains configurati...1.13.0
angularjs-google-mapsThe Simplest AngularJS Google Maps V3 Directive1.18.5
leaflet.drawVector drawing plugin for Leaflet1.0.4
elasticlunrLightweight full-text search engine in Javascript...0.9.6
ng2-formlyangular2-formly is an Angular 2 module which has ...2.0.0-beta
woofmarkBarking up the DOM tree. A modular, progressive, ...4.2.6
moment-rangeFancy date ranges for Moment.js4.0.2
VidageYour solution to full-screen background video and...1.0.1
angular-carouselAngular Carousel - Mobile friendly touch carousel...1.1.0
pretty-checkboxA pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio...3.0.3