
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
malihu-custom-scrollbar-pluginHighly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugi...3.1.5
jsbarcodeJsBarcode is a simple and powerfull way to create...3.11.6
elfinderOpen-source file manager for web, written in Java...2.1.65
dashjsA reference client implementation for the playbac...4.7.4
vue-selectA native Vue.js select component that provides si...3.20.3
jquery.touchswipeA jquery plugin to be used on touch devices such ...1.6.19
reglregl is a fast functional WebGL framework.2.1.0
diff-match-patchThe Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust a...1.0.5
textAngularA radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor f...1.5.16
zoom.jsIt's the best way to zoom an image0.0.1
emmetEmmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers2.4.11
jquery-backstretchA simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a d...2.1.18
alifd__nextA configurable component library for web built on...1.27.26
yuiYUI 3 Source3.18.1
iconoPure CSS Icons1.3.0
NestableNestable is an experimental example and not under...2012-10-15
css-element-queriesCSS-Element-Queries Polyfill. proof-of-concept fo...1.2.3
bitcoinjs-libClient-side Bitcoin JavaScript library0.2.0-1
vue-chartjsvue.js wrapper for chart.js5.3.1
gridstack.jsgridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout10.3.1
qunitAn easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.2.22.0
topojsonAn extension to GeoJSON that encodes topology.3.0.2
quaggaAn advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript0.12.1
SoundJSA JavaScript library that provides a simple API, ...1.0.2
epub.jsRender ePub documents in the browser, across many...0.2.15
imager.jsImager.js is an alternative solution to the issue...0.5.1
react-leafletReact components for Leaflet maps2.8.0
kineticjsKineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework...5.2.0
jquery-mousewheelA jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse whe...3.1.13
css-doodleA web component for drawing patterns with css.0.40.7
gitmentA comment system based on GitHub Issues0.0.3
jquery-timeagojQuery plugin that makes it easy to support autom...1.6.7
prefixfreeA script that lets you use only unprefixed CSS pr...1.0.7
pagePiling.jsCreate a scrolling pile of sections1.5.6
sketch.jsCross-Platform JavaScript Creative Coding Framewo...1.1
ContentToolsA JS library for building WYSIWYG editors for HTM...1.6.16
animsitionA simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated ...4.0.2
exif-jsJavaScript library for reading EXIF image metadata2.3.0
planck-js2D JavaScript physics engine for cross-platform H...1.0.6
jsondiffpatchDiff & Patch for Javascript objects0.5.0
pegjsParser generator for JavaScript0.9.0
gifshotJavaScript library that can create animated gifs ...0.4.5
zTree.v3jquery tree plugin3.5.42
labellaMay the force label you.1.1.4
packerybin-packing layout library2.1.2
pulltorefreshjsPull To Refresh0.1.22
firebaseFirebase JavaScript library for web and Node.js10.14.1
glamorousReact component styling solved5.0.0
device.jsDevice.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS ...0.10.1