
Fast CND Link for Popular Libraries

A content delivery network is a highly distributed server platform optimized for delivering content, including web applications and streaming media content. CDN is the network of servers is distributed in different physical locations and points of the network in order to directly deal with requests from end users requesting the content. It acts as an intermediary between a content server, also called the origin server, and its end users, or clients. Without CDN, the origin servers must respond to each request from end users, generating significant traffic on the origin server and increased load. In the event of excessively dense traffic peaks or persistent load, the risk of failure of the origin server is high. By responding to requests from end users instead of the originating server on a network close to the end user, CDN offloads content servers and improves the web experience, which benefits both the content provider and to end users.

Library Name Description Latest Release
primengPrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for...17.18.11
lunr.jsSimple full-text search in your browser.2.3.9
jszipCreate, read and edit .zip files with Javascript ...3.10.1
signature_padLibrary for drawing smooth signatures.5.0.3
nvd3A reusable charting library written in d3.js1.8.6
pikadayA refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweigh...1.8.2
es5-shimECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaS...4.6.7
es6-promiseA lightweight library that provides tools for org...4.2.8
odometer.jsTransition numbers with ease0.4.8
vue-lazyloadVue module for lazy-loading images in your vue.js...3.0.0
flag-icon-css:flags: A collection of all country flags in SVG ...7.2.3
dexieA Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB4.0.8
morris.jsEasy, pretty charts0.5.1
bootstrap-datetimepickerA date/time picker component designed to work wit...6.7.13
tempus-dominusA robust and powerful date/time picker component....6.7.13
vex-jsBeautiful, functional, dialogs in Javascript4.1.0
countup.jsAnimates a numerical value by counting to it2.8.0
swipeSwipe is a lightweight mobile slider with 1-to-1 ...2.0.0
kyTiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser...0.27.0
htmThe Tagged Template syntax for Virtual DOM. Only ...3.1.1
fancyboxTouch enabled, responsive and fully customizable ...3.5.7
aws-sdkAWS SDK for JavaScript2.1691.0
eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepickerA date/time picker component designed to work wit...4.17.49
konvaKonva is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework tha...9.0.0
clusterize.jsTiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets...0.19.0
jquery-notynoty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to cre...3.1.4
jquery-infinitescrollInfinite Scroll is a JavaScript plugin that autom...4.0.1
FitText.jsA jQuery plugin for inflating web type1.2.0
synapticarchitecture-free neural network library1.1.4
notyNoty is a library that makes it easy to create al...3.1.4
playcanvasPlayCanvas WebGL game engine2.1.0
awesompleteUltra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete...1.1.7
metroThe front-end framework for developing responsive...4.5.7
stats.jsJavaScript Performance Monitorr17
isomorphic-fetchIsomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify3.0.0
flightAn event-driven web framework, from Twitter1.1.4
zeroclipboardThe ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to...2.3.0
datatablesDataTables enhances HTML tables with the ability ...1.10.21
wysihtml5wysihtml5 is an open source rich text editor base...0.3.0
jquery.adaptive-backgroundsA simple jQuery plugin to extract the dominant co...1.0.3
jssComposable and reusable style sheets.10.10.0
loadCSSA function for loading CSS asynchronously3.1.0
flickityTouch, responsive, flickable galleries3.0.0
jsPlumbVisual connectivity for webapps6.2.10
mqttA library for the MQTT protocol5.10.1
rickshawJavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-...1.7.1
chooA 4kb framework for creating sturdy frontend appl...7.1.0
dom-to-imageGenerates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 ca...2.6.0
vue-i18nInternationalization plugin for Vue.js10.0.4
x-editableIn-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery U...1.5.1